Our life is an asset; life is a gift; life is full of opportunities, options and choices whether you belong to poor class; middle class or rich class. But you are missing, mismanaging, misunderstanding, misbehaving, misadvising, miscalculating, misinterpreting, misusing, and malpractising instead of grabbing the opportunities or options or choices. The major reason for all the hurdles in your personal life; professional life; family life and social life is the lack of attitude towards right attitude and intelligence-building education across the globe.
Now, the world is in an emergency and/or in critical situation, facing rapidly growing negativity, distress, inferiority, stress and depression. Various issues, troubles, problems, disputes, worries, loss and damage occur among people in their personal life; professional life; family life and social life, which is an indirect threat to humanity and businesses and economy around the world. If we fail to address and overcome the current issues afflicting the globe, it will ultimately put all nations in a situation beyond redemption.
The fact!
Attitude development is first;
Technology development is next;
Management development is last;
Dr. Siva Chippada’s ground-breaking invention of attitude to right attitude, development and intelligence-building will help to tackle emergency. It is mandatory across the globe to control the growing negative trend. If we fail to address it and implement measures to eradicate it, it will rapidly increase inferiority, fear, tension, stress, distress and depression among people due to various reasons such as mistakes, misuse, misadvice, miscommunication, misconception, misinterpre-tation, misunderstanding, miscalculation, mismanagement and malpractices among people; between people; between companies; between countries; between people and companies; between companies and countries; and between people and countries.
Dr. Siva Chippada’s anti-depression and motivational gallery increases people’s exposure, knowledge, intelligence, positivity, ability, stability, and capability and control and balance inferiority, negativity, stress, distress, depression among people. Dr. Siva Chippada’s anti-depression and motivational gallery, school of attitude, university of right attitude studies and right attitude counselling helps people dramatically reduce the growing negativity, inferiority, stress, distress and depression levels among people without medication.
For patients of deep depression and/or schizophrenia, same solutions are applicable with proper medication suggested by a psychiatrist. For mental disorders and disabilities, please kindly consult a psychiatrist.
In most cases, people are the sources; people are the sufferers; people have the solutions. It is your duty to explore and look for the right solutions with right decisions without medicines to overcome your day-to-day, month-on- month and year-on-year challenges in your personal life; professional life; family life and social life. If you are taking wrong decisions or are careless or negligent or reluctant or ignorant or take poor decisions or go for poor solutions, you are the sufferer and your time, money and efforts are wasted. Remember, we have one and only life.
Once you are afflicted with severe negativity, stress and depression due to various reasons such as negligence or carelessness or reluctance or ignorance, your negativity leads to stress; stress leads to depression; depression leads to disorder or disease; disorder or disease leads to disability; disability or disease leads to death. It is your life; it is your duty and it is your wish to prepare, prevent and protect from the root-cause, but not in the neck of moment or at the risky stage of the disease or disorder or disability or just before death.
We propose that all schools, institutions, companies and government organizations consider our anti-depression and motivational gallery franchising or licensing to set up an anti-depression and motivational gallery to overcome your students’ or teachers’ or employees’ personal problems and improve their performance to meet the targets and manage their life.